Tackle Messy, Real-World Problems


The Curvd approach emphasizes student-centered projects that align to real-world problems because student engagement is directly impacted by relevance. Students engage in authentic projects relevant to today’s world and learn skills they’ll need in the future to identify and solve real problems.


Examples of “Tackle Messy, Real-World Problems” in action


Students learn design thinking methods and apply them to problems in their lives and communities


Students take on a variety of roles during project-based learning in order to develop a variety of skills to tackle messy, real-world problems. 


Students engage with experts from various industries and communities to better empathize with and identify the problem they are tackling


“Little kids think they can do anything and adults are so afraid of failing that they stop trying at all. But if we as educators can keep the young achiever mentality alive, what we’ll wind up with is a whole generation that can change the world”

-Mara Morrison


 “The young, free to act on their initiative, can lead their elders in the direction of the unknown… The children, the young, must ask the questions that we would never think to ask, but enough trust must be re-established so that the elders will be permitted to work with them on the answers.”

-Margaret Mead


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Free Educator Resources to HELP STUDENTS Tackle messy real-world problems



Get Involved

If you’re interested in implementing more student voice & choice in your classroom and working with a network of like minded educators to help students tackle messy real-world problems, sign up for our Educator Breakthrough Series workshop designed to do just that. The virtual seminar launches this summer and space is limited. 


Check out our other Key Principles