Trailblaze Workshop

In order to prepare students for life’s unpredictability, it is imperative to create learning opportunities where students are in the driver’s seat as they self-direct their learning pathways, follow their passions, and actively drive their experience through inquiry. Educators play a critical role as a guide and coach as students grow in their confidence to trailblaze their own path. Facilitated by Curvd Learning educators, this workshop will explore practical strategies to build community and be more student-centered.

Develop strategies for setting up a classroom community for greater student ownership of learning

  • INTERACTIVE COWORK SESSIONS: Share your strategies and perspective, learn from others, and co-develop an implementation plan for your upcoming school year.

  • PRACTICAL STRATEGIES: Explore practical strategies to build a student-centered community in your classroom.

  • RESOURCES READY TO IMPLEMENT: Leave with specific next steps and resources to implement learner-centered practices in the upcoming school year

Location, Hours and Compensation

  • The workshop is a virtual remote opportunity

  • $200 for all educators | August 2nd, 12:00-3:00 pm PST

Curveball Workshop

The world is full of unexpected challenges and we want our students to be prepared to face whatever comes their way. This research-backed curveball tool is a systematic approach to introducing unexpected challenges into classroom instruction in order to explicitly help students become more comfortable in uncomfortable situations. We call these challenges “curveballs”- wrinkles that teachers introduce to a project to create new conditions that students must adapt to. By introducing periodic curveballs, we intentionally ask students throughout the learning journey to adapt, iterate, face ambiguity, and learn from their mistakes -- thus becoming more prepared for the unexpected in the future. This workshop will give you the tools and the strategies to implement curveballs in your classroom.

Coming Fall 2023

Customized coaching, training and implementation support

Just as every student is unique, so is every teacher, school and district. If you are interested in learning how to shift to a more student-centered approach to learning, we are here to help. We offer customized coaching, training and implementation support to meet your needs. Contact us now to learn more.