Trailblaze Your Own Path

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In order to prepare students for life’s unpredictability, Curvd creates learning opportunities where students are in the driver’s seat as they self-direct their learning pathways, follow their passions, and actively drive their experience through inquiry. Educators play a critical role as a guide and coach as students grow in their confidence to trailblaze their own path.


Examples  of “Trailblaze Your Own Path” in action


Students and teachers conference together to set personalized goals that put students in the driver’s seat of their own learning


Students design and execute projects based on their strengths, interests and passions


Students self-reflect and self-assess, reflecting on who they are and developing executive functioning skills along the way


“Student choice enlivens a passion for learning – that’s not the case if everything is prescriptive and kids are told what they need to learn. The more curious someone is, the more interested, the more willing they are to put the work in, ask hard questions and put the time in. The other piece is leaning into the aspects of learning that sometimes feel uncomfortable and normalizing that. Being ok with failure, learning strategies to iterate and stand back up. Overcoming roadblocks is something that can be uncomfortable but can also be a really empowering experience for students”

-Laura Quarin


 “Without the voice of students, schools serve no purpose. They are nothing but institutions where adults run and tell you what you need to know in order to continue this tradition of, this cycle of “we have master’s degrees and we know what’s best for you so just shut up and deal with it.”

-High School Senior (from Ruben & Silva)


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Get Involved

If you’re interested in implementing more student voice & choice in your classroom and working with a network of like minded educators to help students Trailblaze Their Own Path, sign up for our Educator Breakthrough Series workshop designed to do just that. The virtual seminar launches this summer and space is limited. 


Check out our other Key Principles