Life is Unpredictable. 



At Curvd Learning we believe students should be prepared for life in the messy, real-world through their secondary education career.

Curvd Learning places students in the driver's seat to collaboratively design student-centered learning environments.


Curvd Learning’s 3 Principles

Three key principles underlie all aspects of the Curvd learning approach to fostering the brilliance of young people as they cultivate skills to solve real problems, adapt to change, anticipate curveballs, and persevere through life’s challenges. Each educational context is different and there is no silver bullet solution to shifting educational paradigms to be more student-centered.  These guideposts allow for customization and flexibility with the innovations we develop while ensuring that we stay true to our north star as an organization.

Students self-direct their learning pathways, are encouraged to follow their passions, and actively drive their experience through inquiry.

Students regularly face challenges, experience failure, and reflect on their learning. Students learn outside of their comfort zones and gain comfort with change and ambiguity.

Students engage in relevant, authentic experiences where they learn to identify and solve real problems. They face real-world challenges throughout their projects and learn how to fail, iterate, and change course- all while mastering standards-aligned content.


What We Do


Trailblaze & Curveball Workshops


Customized Coaching and Trainings

To bring our mission to life, we offer workshops and customized training, coaching, and implementation support to help educators, schools and districts transition to a more student-centered learning environment.

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Resources for Student-Centered Learning

The Curvd curriculum offers educators research-backed, tried-and-true teaching tools and resources to implement in their classrooms. All materials meet national standard requirements and are designed to help students cultivate skills to solve real problems, adapt to change, anticipate life’s curveballs and persevere through challenges.

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Curvd Learning in Action

Today’s kids are today’s leaders. Check out our blog page for additional resources to implement experiential learning in your classroom, complete with insight and tips from fellow educators and subject matter experts. Explore categorized posts for content relevant to your students and to read about some of the impressive work both young people and educators are doing today.

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